On Monday, July 25th, the so-called Vape Bill was enacted into law. The measure aims to regulate the importation, manufacture, sale, packaging, distribution, use, and communication of vapour and heated tobacco products.
Garrantzitsua da fakturak 18 urtetik gorako adin-murrizketak ezartzean oinarritzen dela, erretzaile helduek erretzeko alternatiba ez-erregaiak eskura ditzaketela bermatuz.
Liza Katsiashvili, community manager at World Vapers’ Alliance, said:
“While most policymakers are misinformed and fight against vaping, the Philippines followed the right path to embrace vaping as an effective harm reduction innovation to save lives. Other countries should follow this example and endorse smart vaping policies to ensure improved public health for millions of consumers globally.”
Ralph G. Recto senatariak aurkeztutako aktak adierazten du Estatuaren lehentasuna kalteak murrizteko estrategia hartzea dela, kontsumitzaile helduentzat erretzeari uztean zentratua. Adierazpen hau Filipinetako vaping komunitatearentzat garaipen izugarria da.
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