
Vapers’ Voices Heard In Brussels

The World Vapers’ Alliance says the “voices of vapers” arrived at MEPs’ front door in Brussels. These voices, and their personal stories about how vaping helped them quit smoking and change their lives for the better, were broadcast across the focal point of the European Union to encourage European politicians to support pro-vaping policies.

Driving through Brussels in the iconic electric pink Vape Bus, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) says it was representing vapers worldwide, “displaying a powerful selection of quit stories from around Europe”. The collection of stories from individual ex-smokers was gathered as part of the Atzeko bapaketa. Beat Smoking campaign, which travelled across Europe throughout 2021.

The demonstration brought these messages from across Europe directly to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who were debating The Beating Cancer Plan which may set the direction for anti-smoking policies across Europe.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, said: “The next few weeks will be crucial for smokers, vapers, and public health in general with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan being finalised. We came here today to make sure that vapers’ voices are heard and that the MEPs understand the real-life stories of people who have been able to quit smoking thanks to vaping.

European policymakers have the opportunity to make history and save lives if they back vaping as a tool to beat smoking. Our message to them is clear: choose science and save lives,” he added.

Europan 19 milioi erretzailek vaping-era pasa litezke, 95% gutxiago kaltegarria den alternatiba bat, Europako Parlamentuak kalteak murrizteko tresnak, hala nola bapapea, babestuko balitu etorkizuneko legedi guztietan, Europako Minbizia Irabazteko Plana barne.

There is a risk that European lawmakers – under pressure from anti-vaping activists – will introduce laws that would treat vaping the exact same as smoking. This would spell disaster for vapers, for smokers and for global public health. The best way we can beat smoking is to promote vaping as part of public health policies,” Michael Landl concluded.

The WVA says it amplifies the voice of vapers around the world and empowers them to make a difference for their communities.

Our members are 26 vapers associations as well as over 15,000 individual vapers from all over the world”.

One example of the stories it is sharing comes from Juan from Barcelona, who said: “Four years ago I stopped smoking thanks to vaping. I improved my quality of life, I no longer have fatigue, my nose is not running in the morning and the food tastes amazing”.

Nicolas from Paris said: “I switched to vaping with the specific aim to quit smoking. So, gradually I decreased the level of nicotine and now I am on the verge of quitting completely. Vaping is a very good method to stop smoking”.

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