
Tobacco Harm Reduction Groups Celebrate World Vape Day

Held a day before the WHO’s World No Tobacco Day, World Vape Day was held for the third consecutive year.

On the 30th of May 2022, a number of tobacco harm reduction and vape advocacy groups including global consumer group Munduko Vapers' Alliance (WVA) will be celebrating World Vape Day. The aim of the event is raising awareness about the relative safety of e-cigarettes and their potential as harm reduction and smoking cessation tools, with the goal of encouraging smokers who are unable to quit unaided, to do so by switching to the safer alternatives.

World Vape Day held a day before World No Tobacco Day

World Vape Day is purposely held just one day before WHO’s Tabakorik Gabeko Mundu Eguna, in the hope to draw attention to the fact that safer alternative products can help reduce smoking rates.

“Together, we want to tell the world that millions of smokers have already made the switch to vaping and to a better life, and we call on advocates and consumers to raise their voices, promote vaping and help current smokers to switch as well. We have seen many unfounded attacks on vaping by the WHO and with Vapearen Mundu Eguna we want to counter this misinformation,” said the Director of World Vapers’ Alliance, Michael Landl.


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