
THR framework key to achieving PM’s Smoke-free Vision

Global health experts have discussed the need to regulate less harmful alternatives of nicotine delivery in a risk-proportionate manner, while urging authorities for stricter restrictions on traditional cigarettes.

Notable public health experts, policymakers and media personnel gathered at the Bangladesh THR Summit 2023 on Saturday to discuss the role of Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) in achieving Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s vision of a “smoke-free Bangladesh” by 2040.

THR is a public health strategy to reduce or minimise the health risks to individuals and wider society associated with the use of conventional tobacco products, read a press release.

Moreover, THR amplifies the value of smoking cessation, but where smokers are unwilling or unable to quit, the use of innovative smoke-free technologies, that deliver nicotine without the harmful bits – smoke or tar.

These are also referred to as Reduced Risk Products or RRPs including the likes of vaping devices, oral nicotine pouches, heated tobacco products and other non-combustible alternatives of nicotine delivery.


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