The biggest e-cigarettes and tobacco heated products challenge for 2022 is the possible ban of flavors, a decision that could potentially put smokers health at risk.
Canada, USA, Ireland: all of these states have in common a national debate over the possibility of banning flavored ENDS. One of the main reason behind the choice is preventing kids from trying this new category of products. There are no evidence that directly link flavors e-cigarettes and possible smoking addiction in teenagers: the behavior of the group and the will of trying something forbidden are two important aspects in the context of kids addiction. Furthermore, it is possible that a teenager who approaches vaping is a kind of teenager who would have tried smoking anyway.
In the last couple of days, the swedish Ministry of Social Affairs iragarri it’s plan to ban all flavours except tobacco taste.
As reported by a press release by the World Vapers Alliance, 150.000 former smokers in Sweden could be forced to switch back to smoking if the government goes ahead with its proposed ban on vaping flavours.
Michael Landl, World Vapers' Allianceko zuzendariak honako hau esan zuen:
“Banning flavours could force thousands of former smokers in Sweden to take up the habit once again. Research shows vapers are more than twice as likely to quit with flavours. If they are banned, 150.000 vapers – the equivalent of almost the entire population of Uppsala – would lose their flavours and could go back to smoking. This would be a major setback in the fight against smoking and its related illnesses.”
"Kezkagarria da Suedia bezalako herrialde bat, bere pragmatismoagatik famatua, lurruntzearekiko hain esku gogorrak hartzea. Politikariek zentzua galdu dute, eta baperak eta erretzaileak dira sufrituko dutenak”.
Gobernuak nikotina-produktu alternatiboak arautu nahi ditu, lurrunketa eta nikotina-poltsak barne. Araudi eta aldaketa berriak 2022ko abuztuaren 1ean izango dira indarrean, baina proposamenen atalek 2023ko urtarrilaren 1ean eta 2024ko urtarrilaren 1ean izango dituzte indarrean, hurrenez hurren, interesdunei eskakizun berrietara egokitzeko denbora eskaintzeko.
Yale School of Public Health-en arabera, zaporeko zigarro elektronikoak 230% batekin lotuta daude. helduen erretzeari uzteko probabilitatea handitzea. Vapers tabakoaren zaporea gogorarazi ezean, zaporeek zigarro tradizionalak alde batera uzteko aukera gehiago dute.
Helduen bi herenak tabakoa ez den beste zapore batzuk erabiltzen ari dira. Horrek esan nahi du debekuek horietako asko zigarroetara edo merkatu beltzera itzul ditzaketela. A zapore debekua San Frantziskon ondorioz, nerabeen artean erretze-tasak gora egin zuen hamarkadetan lehen aldiz.
Beraz, zaporeak debekatzeak eragin negatiboa izango luke gizartean. Vaping erretzeari uzteko tresna oso eraginkorra da. Kontuan hartzen da 95% zigarroak baino kalte gutxiago eta zaporeak arrakastaren parte dira.
"Suediako Gobernuak milaka erretzaile ohi erretzera behartu nahi ez baditu behintzat, osasun publikoko krisia saihesteko zapore likidoaren debekuari buruzko planak berraztertu behar ditu". ondorioztatu zuen Michael Landlek.