
Poloniako Zerga Igoera Vaping: kalteak murrizteko ahaleginetarako atzerakada

Warsaw, 04.10.2024 — The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) strongly opposes the Polish government’s decision to raise excise taxes on heated tobacco products and e-liquids for vaping aiming to reduce price differences between tobacco products and their substitutes to limit their consumption.

Under the new rules, e-liquids will face a significant tax hike, similar to heated tobacco products. However, increasing taxes on vaping products often leads to unintended consequences. Numerous studies have shown that when the price of e-liquids rises, many users, especially young adults, switch back to traditional cigarettes. This cross-price effect undermines public health efforts by increasing smoking rates instead of reducing them.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, emphasised: “Taxation must be proportional to the risks of products. Vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking, yet this tax treats it similarly, undermining public health. Smokers should be incentivized to switch, not pushed back to cigarettes due to higher prices.

Research also shows that higher taxes on less harmful nicotine products discourage smokers from switching, a problem that particularly affects low and middle-income groups. As for users, when faced with increased vaping costs, many turn to smoking, reversing the positive health outcomes seen in harm reduction-focused countries like the UK and Sweden.

Alberto Gómez Hernández, Policy Manager at the World Vapers’ Alliance, added: “Raising taxes on less harmful alternatives is counterproductive. It risks deterring smokers from switching, ultimately costing lives. A risk-based approach to taxation is crucial to achieving meaningful public health outcomes.”

The WVA urges the Polish government to reconsider its approach and adopt taxation policies that reflect the reduced risk of vaping compared to smoking, ensuring that safer alternatives remain affordable and accessible.


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