
Turkian vaping Cagin Tan Eroglu-rekin

Welcome to the latest episode of Vaping Unplugged, where we uncover the world of vaping, harm reduction, and vapers’ rights. In this episode, we are honored to have a special guest, Cagin Tan Eroglu, a prominent member of the Turkish Vapers’ Alliance, a vaping association in Turkey. The Turkish Vapers’ Alliance is on a mission to empower citizens and promote public health policies that prioritize harm reduction and consumer choice. They are actively observing the government’s response to vaping regulations and working to challenge unjust restrictions while advocating for pro-consumer strategies. Join us as we delve into the complexities of vaping regulations and their impact on human rights. Discover how the Turkish Vapers’ Alliance is working tirelessly to create awareness about harm reduction and empower vapers to make informed choices about their health.


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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake. 2022a aukera hau errealitate bihurtzeko urtea da. Altxatu ahotsa. Sartu gure kanpainan. 

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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake eta zaporeek funtsezko eginkizuna dute erretzaileei uzten laguntzeko. Hala ere, arduradun politikoek zaporeak mugatu edo debekatu nahi dituzte, erretzearekin lotutako heriotzak amaitzeko gure ahalegina arriskuan jarriz.