
It’s Official: Sweden Will be the First Country Worldwide to Reach Smoke- …

While Sweden’s total smoking rate has dropped from 5.6% in 2022 to 5.3% in 2024, only an impressive 4.5% of the nation’s Swedish-born adults smoke, which is below the globally recognized 5% benchmark to reach a smoke free status.

With latest reports revealing that only 4.5% of Swedish-born adults are smoking, well below the 5% benchmark set by global health standards, many are celebrating the fact that Sweden has reached its smoke-free goal. While given the 5.3% overall rate, when including immigrants, others are cautiously celebrating the fact that that they have gotten close enough.

Either way, the success acheived by Sweden is impressiveand the rates contrast sharply with the 24% average smoking rate in Europe, a difference attributed to country’s progressive approach to tobacco harm reduction. Instead of prohibition, Sweden promotes safer nicotine alternatives such as snus, oral nicotine pouches, and vapes, supported by public education and a tax policy that keeps smoke-free products affordable.

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