
Harm Reduction For The Rich

The World Vapers’ Alliance says that the leak of a tax hike on vaping products is a “controversial move”. The UK government, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is planning to impose a sin tax levy of up to 25% on vaping products alongside traditional cigarettes. This plan has sparked significant concern among UK consumers, as it threatens to undermine the nation’s progress in harm reduction and smoking cessation efforts.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, expressed grave concerns regarding the government’s direction: “It appears that in a bid to generate additional tax revenue, the UK government is willing to compromise the health of thousands of smokers. This is yet another step in the wrong direction.

“By making less harmful alternatives to smoking more expensive, the government is effectively deterring smokers from making the switch. This measure will disproportionately affect the less affluent and exacerbate health inequalities, especially during a cost-of-living crisis”.

The World Vapers’ Alliance says that statistical evidence supports the disproportionate impact of smoking on lower socio-economic groups.

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