EU’s Misguided Flavour Plan

The European Commission has announced its intention to ban the sale of all flavoured heated tobacco products. The EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, also called for “stricter enforcement” for new products entering the market. The World Vapers’ Alliance described the plan as “misguided”.

Michael Landl, World Vapers' Alliance-ko zuzendariak, honako hau esan zuen: “It is shocking that the EU Commission still fights tobacco harm reduction. We need as many options as possible to achieve the Commission’s own 5% tobacco use target. Vaping, nicotine pouches and heat-not-burn products all help people quit smoking and are less harmful.

“The Commission systematically ignores the wealth of scientific evidence pointing to the benefits, not to mention the first-hand experience of millions of vapers. The Commission’s negative approach to harm reduction will do nothing but boost the black market and push people back to smoking.”

According to an article on Politikoa, the main reason for the push to ban flavoured heated tobacco products is due to increased sales and to protect the youth.

The World Vapers’ Alliance says that while, according to the EU Commission, 700,000 people die yearly from smoking-related illnesses, they are concerned about the rise in sales of less harmful alternatives.


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