
An Epidemic of Disposable Vapes’ Bans is Spreading Across the Globe

Belgika is set to become the first EU country to prohibit the sale of disposable vapes starting from January 1, 2025. On announcing the measure, Federal Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke said that disposables have a negative impact on both the environment, and society, particularly young people.

Vandenbroucke said that despite existing bans on selling vapes to minors, marketing strategies for these products remain youth-oriented, leading to widespread youth usage. Approval from the European Commission (EC) for the ban marks a significant step in Belgium’s efforts to reduce youth exposure to risky substances, and the Health Minister emphasized Belgium’s commitment to creating a smoke-free generation and protecting young people from the allure of tobacco and similar products.

While non-disposable vapes will still be permitted for smoking cessation purposes, measures will be implemented to prevent them from being marketed in a way that attracts young users.

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