
King’s Speech: Vape Bill – New Government, Old Mistakes

17 July 2024, London – During today’s King’s Speech, King Charles announced the new government’s plans to “impose limits on the sale and marketing of vapes” by reintroducing an updated version of the Tobacco & Vapes Bill.

Michael Landl, World Vapers' Alliance-ko zuzendariak, honako hau esan zuen:

“It is already clear that the generational smoking ban won’t work, because prohibitions never work. What makes the plan even worse is the crackdown on less harmful alternatives. Less harmful alternatives like vaping must be key elements of an anti-smoking strategy. Science and real-life examples like Sweden are proof. Harm reduction works, prohibition fails. The UK must not go down this path.”

Ignoring the evidence and pursuing failed policies will only lead to more harm and higher smoking rates.


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