
King of Spain Inaugurates New Legislative Session in Barcelona

Spain’s political landscape lit up as the King of Spain, accompanied by Queen Letizia and the Princess of Asturias, presided over the solemn opening of the legislative session in a joint meeting of the Cortes Generales held at the Congress in Barcelona. The session marked the ceremonial commencement of parliament for the new legislative term. This significant event, a long-standing tradition in Spain, underscores the constitutional role of the monarchy in the nation’s political system.

A Royal Affair

The ceremony was a grand display of the country’s political confluence with its royal heritage. Beginning at 11:00 at the Carrera de San Jerónimo, the occasion was marked by a military reception honouring the royal family. The procession made its way through the grand Lions Gate, resplendent with a gala canopy measuring 130 square meters, setting the stage for the day’s proceedings.

Among those in attendance were the newly appointed ministers of Pedro Sánchez’s Executive. This event marked their first appearance on the blue bench, a significant milestone in their political journey. The ceremony concluded with a military parade in front of the Cortes Generales, a spectacle that served as a fitting finale to the grand opening.

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