
Scotland’s Possible Vape Ban

The Daily Mail reports that Scotland is giving serious consideration to implementing a rolling ban on vapes as well as tobacco for children aged 14 and under – described as concerning by consumer organisation the World Vapers’ Alliance. The move replicates the UK Government’s proposals but adds ecigs into the mix.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, expressed serious reservations about this move: "Erretzeari uzteko asmoa goraipatzekoa den arren, kezkagarria da Eskoziako Gobernua debeku hau bapatzera zabaltzea aztertzea. Garrantzitsua da gogoratzea dagoeneko legez kanpokoa dela nerabeek bapoak erostea. Beste debeku-geruza bat gehitzeak ez ditu azpiko arazoak konpontzen. Horren ordez, lehendik dauden legeak modu eraginkorragoan betearaztean eta nerabeak lehenik erretzen edo lurruntzen hasten diren arrazoiei aurre egin behar diegu".

The Daily Mail’s report suggests that anyone born in 2009 or later – currently 14 or younger – will never be able to buy tobacco or vape products in Scotland legally. This approach, according to Landl, could lead to unintended consequences.

Landl said: “Will there be vape smuggling gangs operating bringing vapes from England into Scotland? As absurd as this sounds, we have seen in the past what prohibition leads to. Prohibition has a history of failure, and this is no different. Banning the most successful smoking cessation tool in history makes little sense and is counterproductive. We have seen similar approaches fail disastrously in Australia, leading to a booming black market.

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