
WVA Vaping Politiken Pertzepzio Inkestaren Emaitzak

The World Vapers Alliance (WVA) have conducted a survey to study the perception of vaping policies worldwide.

They have published their findings – you can read about them here – WVA Survey.

The survey was conducted during August 2022 and WVA members were invited to participate. 415 people in 36 countries responded.

96.8 of respondents were current vapers – 394 in total.

Survey Findings…


The divisive topic of flavours brought the staggering result that 97% of respondents prefer flavoured vaping over Tobacco flavours alone.

Also if flavours were to be banned more than half of respondents would look at obtaining supplies via the black market or return to smoking.


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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake. 2022a aukera hau errealitate bihurtzeko urtea da. Altxatu ahotsa. Sartu gure kanpainan. 

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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake eta zaporeek funtsezko eginkizuna dute erretzaileei uzten laguntzeko. Hala ere, arduradun politikoek zaporeak mugatu edo debekatu nahi dituzte, erretzearekin lotutako heriotzak amaitzeko gure ahalegina arriskuan jarriz.

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