
Flavoured Vapes Face Ban In Europe As Part Of New Plans To Tackle Cancer

The European Commission has proposed a ban on flavoured vapes as part of a plan to help fight cancer.

The European Union’s executive branch announced the proposal in a statement on Wednesday (29 June) explaining it comes following a significant increase in the volume of flavoured vapes being sold across its 27 nations.

A study commissioned by the EU revealed a 10 percent increase in the sales of the produces in more than five Member States and overall in the EU, with heated tobacco products exceeding 2.5 percent of total sales of tobacco products.

Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Osasuna and Food Safety, explained that by removing flavoured vapes from the market the EU is ‘taking yet another step towards realising our vision under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to create a “Tobacco Free Generation”‘.

The plan aims to result in less than 5 percent of the population using tobacco by 2040.


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