
WVA cautions against jeopardising the UK’s successful pathway to harm red …

London, 11 October 2023 — As the discourse surrounding the UK’s potential ban of disposable vapes amplifies, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) cautions against jeopardising the UK’s huge successful pathway to harm reduction. This proposed ban is incongruent with the UK’s commendable strategy of reducing smoking rates.

History has shown that outright bans aren’t the answer,” Michael Landl, Director of the WVA, points out. “Such restrictions often inadvertently steer users to unregulated black markets, heightening public health risks.

Looking at Australia and the UK tells a compelling story. Despite Αυστραλία‘s strict anti-vaping regulations, more of its teens have tried vaping than in the UK, where policies are more accommodating. Disturbingly, due to Australia’s quasi-ban, even teenage smoking rates are now on the rise. Restrictive measures don’t guarantee the desired outcomes.

Landl also emphasises the instrumental role of disposable vapes in transitioning smokers.

Disposable vapes are a pivotal bridge for many smokers making the switch. They offer a straightforward first step, with many transitioning to other systems subsequently. Streamlining the journey from smoking to vaping is a benefit to the greater good of public health.

When it comes to concerns about youth accessibility, Landl stresses the importance of enforcing existing regulations over wholesale prohibitions.

Robust enforcement of existing age limitations is crucial. We must remember that it’s already illegal for minors to purchase disposable vapes. Overarching bans only complicate matters, pushing the issues underground. 

Understanding the true reasons why teenagers gravitate towards vaping is essential. It’s not merely about product allure but deeper challenges young people face.

While curiosity is a natural aspect of adolescence, significant challenges in young people’s lives push them towards riskier activities. A study by the University of Illinois underscored that teenagers less content with their lives often seek out risky behaviours, from substance use to other dangers.

Instead of singling out products like disposable vapes, we should be diving deeper into the comprehensive well-being of our youth. Enhanced educational, healthcare and economic opportunities can act as real deterrents to risky actions,” Landl added

Concluding, he stresses:

The focus shouldn’t just be on banning products. Addressing the root causes is the true path to a healthier future for our teenagers. The government must prioritise these genuine concerns, rather than eliminating an established route for smokers seeking a less harmful alternative.


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