
Vapers oppose Irish plans to ban flavours and plain packaging

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18.07.2022 Dublin, Ireland — Last Friday, the Oireachtas Health Committee published a Pre-Legislative Scrutiny report that includes a vaping flavour ban, plain packaging and a ban on vaping advertisements. The report contains recommendations from ten Members of the Dáil and might serve as an early draft of the Bill.

Vaping advocacy groups express their disagreement with the proposed report. Michael Landl, Director of World Vapers’ Alliance, commented:

“Banning flavours would spell disaster for smokers who want to quit, current vapers, and public health because flavours help former smokers stay away from cigarettes forever. Scientific data shows that vapers who use flavours are twice as likely to quit smoking as those who use tobacco flavours. A flavour ban could push 115,000 Irish vapers back to smoking. Therefore, we urge policymakers to listen to science and treat vaping accordingly.”

Currently, it seems like the Department of Health of Ireland continues to oppose flavours and believes that plain packaging should be discussed within the framework of EU legislation. The World Vapers’ Alliance strongly supports this opposition to such plans.

“Advertisement restrictions and plain packaging for vaping prevent crucial information from reaching consumers about the relative risks of different products. As a result, many smokers are unaware of the lower risk of vaping compared to smoking. Adult consumers must have access to accurate information; thus, advertisement restrictions and warnings must be differentiated according to the relative risk,” added Landl.

Cigarettes and non-combustible tobacco products like vaping should not be put in the same regulatory category. They are not the same. Vaping has been recognised as being 95% λιγότερο επιβλαβές than cigarettes, helping millions of smokers in Europe and worldwide to quit. Consumers deserve to know.

World Vapers’ Alliance is running a Europe-wide campaign to raise awareness about the positive effects of flavours on smoking cessation. Learn more here: https://worldvapersalliance.com/flavours-matter/


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