
Η Greek Vapers' Alliance εντάσσεται στο WVA!

World Vapers’ Alliance is excited to announce that the Greek Vapers’ Alliance will be joining us as a partner organisation!

The Greek Vapers Alliance is a dynamic and influential community at the heart of Greece’s vaping culture.

This alliance, comprised of a diverse group of enthusiasts, advocates, and industry experts, is dedicated to promoting the benefits and responsible use of vaping as a harm-reduction tool.

“We tirelessly work to educate the public, advocate for sensible regulations, and debunk vaping myths. Our vibrant online forums and local meet-ups foster a sense of camaraderie and shared passion, making the Greek Vapers Alliance not just a community but a movement that champions the freedom of choice and the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Whether it’s through organising vape expos or engaging in public discourse, this alliance is a beacon for vapers across the nation, embodying innovation, support, and advocacy in the ever-evolving landscape of vaping.” – said Nick Ramses, the founder of Greek Vapers’ Alliance. 

“We are thrilled to welcome the Greek Vapers’ Alliance on board and unite efforts to advocate for progressive harm reduction policies and wider enhance our THR community” – said Liza Katsiashvili, WVA’s Operations Director. 

The World Vapers’ Alliance is delighted to welcome the Greek Vapers’ Alliance in the fight to support vaping in Greece and globally!

More information about GVA is available here: Greek Vapers’ Alliance


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