
World Cancer Day: WHO’s Anti-Harm Reduction Stance Under Fire

4.2.2025. Almost ten million people die from cancer yearly, with tobacco smoking remaining one of the leading causes worldwide. Harm reduction advocates urge world leaders to embrace tobacco harm reduction to save lives, criticizing the World Health Organization (WHO) for opposing these potentially life-saving strategies.

“For too long, governments have relied on unsuccessful anti-smoking policies and neglected a public health revolution. Vaping and similar harm-reduction products have already saved millions of lives. Vaping is less harmful than smoking, and every smoker switching to vaping should be celebrated. Instead, many governments are fighting against this life-saving technology,” said WVA director Michael Landl.

Σουηδία is about to achieved a 5% smoking rate by accepting snus, vaping, and nicotine pouches. Ιαπωνία halved cigarette sales in a decade with heat-not-burn products. Νέα Ζηλανδία excels in communicating about vaping and is nearing its goal of being smoke-free. Nicotine pouches offer another route out of smoking, with a risk profile similar to conventional nicotine replacement products.

The WHO’s stance against harm reduction is especially outdated and costs lives, ignoring mounting evidence of e-cigarettes’ effectiveness in helping smokers quit.

“The WHO, by fighting against harm reduction, is losing the fight against smoking by refusing to acknowledge scientific facts. World Cancer Day should be reason enough to change failing policies. It’s time for the WHO and politicians to embrace the vaping revolution for public health and millions of smokers worldwide,” concluded Landl.


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Το άτμισμα μπορεί να σώσει 200 εκατομμύρια ζωές. Το 2022 είναι η χρονιά για να γίνει πραγματικότητα αυτή η ευκαιρία. Ανέβασε τη φωνή σου. Εγγραφείτε στην καμπάνια μας. 

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Το άτμισμα μπορεί να σώσει 200 ​​εκατομμύρια ζωές και οι γεύσεις παίζουν βασικό ρόλο στο να βοηθήσουν τους καπνιστές να κόψουν το κάπνισμα. Ωστόσο, οι υπεύθυνοι χάραξης πολιτικής θέλουν να περιορίσουν ή να απαγορεύσουν τις γεύσεις, θέτοντας σε κίνδυνο την προσπάθειά μας να τερματίσουμε τους θανάτους που σχετίζονται με το κάπνισμα.

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