The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has strongly criticized the Bulgarian Parliament’s recent unanimous vote to implement a blanket ban on vaping products. The organisation says that this “ill-conceived decision threatens public health and ignores scientific evidence supporting vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking”.

Members of the Bulgarian parliament voted unanimously to ban the import, trade, marketing and sale of vapes. The law will apply to regular vapes as well as disposable ecig products.

The ridiculous measure has been enacted due to a child falling to their death from a seventh-floor balcony. A group of seven children are reported to have been using illegal cannabis vapes prior to the accident.

So, rather than sensible legislation and enforcing the current ban on cannabis vapes, the Bulgarian government has handed over control of vape products to the black market where no one will know what they contain.

The World Vapers’ Alliance says Bulgaria has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, and it has not gone down since the first Eurobarometer survey in 2007. Despite this alarming statistic, the government has chosen to ban all vaping products, including nicotine-free options, both in retail outlets and online.

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