
Announcement: Joseph Magero joins the WVA’s Advisory Board

WVA is delighted to announce that Joseph Magero has joined the WVA’s advisory board!

To celebrate the news, the WVA Director Michael Landl said: “I am excited to welcome Joseph Magero as a part of the WVA’s advisory board. Joseph is leading the Campaign for Safer Alternatives an organisation that advocates for tobacco harm reduction and progressive vaping policies across Africa. I am looking forward to working with Joseph with joint efforts!”

Joseph is the chairman of the Campaign for Safer Alternatives, a pan-African organisation that advocates adopting tobacco harm reduction policies in Africa. Joseph also has extensive experience working in tobacco control, creating smoke-free environments. 

“Despite my efforts, smoking deaths remained on the increase, mandating a rethink in my approach to tobacco control,“ stated Joseph. Consequently, he now champions substituting conventional cigarettes with reduced-risk products for smokers to reduce smoking-related diseases and mortality in Africa.

To learn more about the Campaign for Safer Alternatives, please visit https://safer-alternatives.org.

To learn more about World Vapers’ Alliance, please visit https://worldvapersalliance.com.


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