
Friday, 30 October: Tobacco Harm Reduction workshop in Kenya

WVA partners, Tobacco Harm Reduction Kenya are pleased to announce their tobacco harm reduction workshop and training stream on Friday, 30th of October 2020 at the Gelian Hotel in Machakos county, Kenya. Media and health experts based in Kenya will be successfully oriented into the concept of tobacco harm reduction through the workshop.

The workshop is a discussion and networking platform designated to facilitate the exchange of ideas among health practitioners, policy makers, academics, consumers, advocates and media from across the country. It is part of Knowledge.Action.Change (K.A.C) 2020 scholarship program awarded to THR Kenya, through their scholar, Seth Kilonzo.

The theme for the event is: Safer Alternatives: A gateway to a smoke-free Kenya.

The workshop is timely, with THR Kenya hopeful that it will spark a conversation on why Kenya has little to no available smoking cessation services. This begs the question: can the country be 100% smoke-free in our lifetime? As the rest of the world continues to reap the benefits of safer alternatives, most medical practitioners and policymakers in Kenya haven’t got the slightest idea of what the concept of tobacco harm reduction is.

For further information on the workshop, kindly reach them at info@thrkenya.org



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