New Zealand’s Smoke-Free Status at Risk Due to the Disposable Ban

Wellington, 08.08.2024 — The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is deeply concerned about New Zealand’s decision to ban disposable vape products. With the country close to becoming smoke-free, the WVA warns that this ban could undermine the progress made in reducing smoking rates.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health has announced the ban with the intention of reducing adolescent vaping. The new regulations prohibit the manufacture and sale of all non-rechargeable and non-refillable vapes, including single-use containers such as pre-filled tanks, pods, and cartridges.

The WVA warns that this decision could have detrimental effects on public health, potentially reversing the progress New Zealand has made in reducing conventional smoking.

Alberto Gómez Hernández, Policy Manager at the World Vapers’ Alliance, commented: “Preventing teenagers from using nicotine products is essential, and strict age regulations should be enforced to achieve this goal. However, banning disposable vapes and various pod systems for adult consumers will have negative public health implications and jeopardise the progress towards a smoke-free society achieved in the last decade. This approach fails to recognise the vital role disposable vaping products play in helping smokers transition away from cigarettes.”

Gómez Hernández further elaborated on the potential consequences of the ban:

“New Zealand’s progress toward becoming smoke-free is a prime example of how effective harm reduction strategies are. Unfortunately, this ban on all non-refillable vapes risks undermining that progress, making vaping less accessible to adult smokers seeking less risky alternatives to traditional tobacco.”

The World Vapers’ Alliance is calling on New Zealand’s health authorities to reconsider this prohibitionist approach and urges the government to maintain its commitment to progressive tobacco harm reduction strategies, which have proven effective in lowering smoking rates and improving public health outcomes.


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