Consumer Groups Respond To South Africa

Nineteen international tobacco harm reduction consumer groups have called on the South African government to “stop killing harm reduction” in its new Tobacco Control Bill. Representatives from the groups are asking the Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Health to embrace vaping and other alternative nicotine products as tools to combat smoking.

The proposed text of the Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill intends to regulate alternative nicotine products and combustible products in the same manner with provisions covering extra restrictions on sale and manufacturing of tobacco and nicotine products. It also includes a ban on advertising for tobacco heating and vaping products, a ban on public use of tobacco heating and vaping products, and a power of the Minister to impose flavour bans for tobacco heating and vaping products.

Smoking is a global problem and needs to be addressed urgently and accordingly. Only in South Africa, 42,181 people die every year due to tobacco smoking. Yet, the provisions offered by the South African government include several provisions which will halt the progress that South Africa has made in combating the smoking epidemic and will thus endanger lives of all those who have successfully quit smoking due to wide availability of alternative nicotine products,” the organisations stated in the submission.

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