
EU Urged to Adopt Science-Based Strategy

Consumer representatives are urging European policymakers to adopt science-based tobacco harm reduction strategies as EU health ministers gather in Brussels for a two-day meeting to discuss Europe’s Plán poražení rakoviny, among other topics.

The Beating Cancer Plan presents several legislative initiatives to address cancer risk factors, including measures to reduce tobacco and alcohol consumption and improve healthy diets.

“This meeting should mark the beginning of driving the EU towards a smoke-free future,” said Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers Alliance, in a prohlášení. “Health ministers should take inspiration from Sweden, poised to become the first smoke-free country in the world, thanks largely to the adoption of safer and less harmful alternatives. It remains vital that the EU follow their example and enforce sensible regulation.”

However, according to Landl, the EU Commission has thus far been “deaf” to the science of tobacco policies. “It is crystal clear that safer nicotine alternatives such as vaping or pouches are significantly less harmful than smoking and effectively aid in smoking cessation,” he said.

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Vaping může zachránit 200 milionů životů. Rok 2022 je rokem, kdy se tato příležitost stane skutečností. Zvyšte svůj hlas. Připojte se k naší kampani. 

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Vaping může zachránit 200 milionů životů a příchutě hrají klíčovou roli v pomoci kuřákům přestat kouřit. Tvůrci politik však chtějí omezit nebo zakázat příchutě, čímž ohrožují naše úsilí ukončit úmrtí související s kouřením.

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