Most Vape Friendly Holidays

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has ranked countries as the most budget-friendly European travel destinations on the price of vaping products. Poland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, and Austria are ranked as the most budget-friendly European travel destinations on the price of vaping products, according to its research.

Considering sprawling regulations on vaping and alternative nicotine products worldwide, the WVA collected pricing of the most popular vaping and alternative tobacco products, including heated tobacco, across 13 European countries. The research covers popular destinations in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and the UK among others.

For vapers travelling across Europe during the holiday period, the UK and Czech Republic ranked the most budget-friendly options when it comes to closed systems, while Poland and Austria remain the most attractive for oral tobacco users.

Those who like filling their vapes with e-liquids manually, should go to Spain or France, as those two countries offer the best prices for open system devices.

The UK also offers a greater availability of disposable vapes and heated tobacco products, according to the research.


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