
Spanish Flavour and Disposable Vape Ban: A Blow to Public Health

Madrid, 01.10.2024. The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) firmly rejects the Secretary of State for Health’s announcement regarding the ban on disposable vapes and flavours. Although these measures are presented as a way to curb youth use, the WVA warns that this policy will fail to meet its goals and will have severe consequences for public health.

Alberto Gómez Hernández, policy manager at the World Vapers’ Alliance, stated: “Disposable devices and flavours are essential to make vaping a viable alternative for millions of smokers. Their ban condemns millions of people to continue smoking, and it also encourages the growth of the black market, making it easier for young people to access potentially dangerous products.”

The WVA points out that these prohibitions ignore the benefits of vaping as a harm-reduction tool and the crucial role that flavours play in helping smokers stay away from cigarettes.

“Instead of adopting prohibitive policies that fail to distinguish between traditional tobacco and lower-risk alternatives like vaping, the government should opt for regulation based on scientific evidence that protects youth without punishing adults trying to improve their health. This ban clearly shows the government’s ignorance of what has worked in the fight against smoking in countries like the UK or Sweden,” added Gómez Hernández.

The WVA calls on the Spanish Government to reconsider this proposal and to promote harm reduction policies that encourage safer alternatives to smoking rather than banning them.


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