
World Cancer Day Change Call

Radical change is needed, and world leaders need “to wake up”, said the World Vapers’ Alliance on the eve of World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day held every year on the 4th of February, a “global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control”.

The Union for International Cancer Control says: “By raising worldwide awareness, improving education and catalysing personal, collective and government action, we are all working together to reimagine a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equitable for all – no matter who you are or where you live.”

World Vapers’ Alliance commented: “Ten million people die from cancer yearly, and tobacco smoking is the leading cause worldwide. Consumers urge world leaders to wake up and finally start embracing tobacco harm reduction to save those lives.”

In response, the World Vapers’ Alliance published a report on how countries can achieve their smoke-free goals and prevent hundreds of thousands of cancer cases globally.

Report Overview:

  • The United Kingdom’s consumer-friendly vaping policies reduced smoking rates by more than 29% in the last decade.
  • Sweden is becoming the first country to achieve the smoke-free goal of a 5% smoking rate by widely accepting the use of snus, vaping, and nicotine pouches.
  • Within only five years (2016-2021), cigarette sales in Japan plummeted by 43% due to the introduction of heat-not-burn products.
  • New Zealand is the best-case example of communicating about vaping.


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