
The WVA Presents The Portuguese Govt. With a 7-Step Plan to Reduce Smoking …

In light of the imminent update of the EU Tobacco Products Directive and the implementation of the Portuguese Plan to reduce cancer (ENLCC), the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) presented Portugal with a plan to combat cigarette consumption.

The 7-step plan was presented by the WVA, together with their Portuguese partners Associação Portuguesa de Vaporizadores (APORVAP) and Ohms do Vapor. It includes the following recommendations:


  1. Portugal’s clear commitment to the concept of reducerea efectelor nocive ale tutunului.
  2. Promoting vaping as a smoking cessation tool.
  3. Exclude vaping from smoke-free area restrictions.
  4. Abstain from imposing higher taxes on vaping products and reduce the excessive taxation on e-liquids as soon as possible.
  5. Reject flavour bans and not restrict choice in nicotine levels for vaping liquids.
  6. Keep vaping available for adults while enforcing age restrictions to prevent adolescent use.
  7. Promoting tobacco harm reduction in the EU institutions and legislations.

WVA director Michael Landl encourages Portugal to become a leader in tobacco harm reduction. “Smoking is responsible for over 13,000 deaths in Portugal every year. Multiple ways have been effective in helping smokers quit, and vaping has proven to be the most successful tool so far. We need a modern, open regulatory framework to fit these alternatives to reduce cancer rates successfully. While the Portuguese government is designing the ENLCC strategy, we offer 7 comprehensive steps for the government to succeed in the fight against tobacco-induced cancer. Portugal can become a global tobacco harm reduction leader by implementing consumer-friendly vaping regulation.”


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