
The UK Government Continues to Acknowledge Benefits of Vaping

A report addressed to the UK government has outlined vaping as one of the best means to help smokers quit.

This was released as part of the ‘The Khan Review: Making Smoking Obsolete’ report. The report was published on June 9, 2022.

The report was written by Dr. Javed Khan OBE.

Included in the report is an analysis and series of recommendations that have been highlighted for their effectiveness to make the UK fully smoke-free by 2030. This comes after the objective was set in 2019 by the government.

This also falls under the government’s commitments to increasing the healthy life expectancy of English citizens by five years by 2035 and the 10-Year Cancer Plan.

In Dr. Khan’s review, the goal of a smoke-free England will be missed by at least seven years, with some regions remaining unchanged until 2044. This is of course unless actions like the wholesale adoption of vaping are done by the government.

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