
The Czech Republic is to Include Tobacco Harm Reduction in Its Public Healt …

ECigIntelligence reports that the Czech Republic is set to become the main EU proponent of tobacco harm-reduction policy.

As a result of a change in mentality among local leaders, the Czech Republic is set to implement a tobacco harm reduction strategy which includes the use of nicotine pouches. Spokesperson for the Czech Ministry of Health Ondřej Jakob, said that a new action plan is currently being debated, and should be implemented in the near future.

“This issue has not yet been resolved. A decree is being prepared for nicotine pouches. It is to define their composition, appearance, quality, properties, and other parameters so that they have the least possible adverse effects on human health,” explained Jakob said. He added that the new decree is expected to determine the various factors needed to be taken in consideration. “At this point, we expect to hold a debate on a new action plan which should set the direction for the next three-year period, including a tobacco addiction,” he said.

ECigIntelligence explained that successful implementation of harm reduction into the country’s next three-year action plan could lead to the country also promoting other safer alternatives such as vaping products as well as vaping products and snus. “Both electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products are debated” as potential solutions to the problem, said Jakob about the products.


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