Which European Countries Are The Best For Vaping And Alternative Tobacco Products?
Christmas is the perfect time to travel to another country. We can all agree that there’s nothing more exciting than discovering different countries during the holiday period. Meanwhile, considering sprawling regulations on vaping and alternative nicotine products worldwide, vapers should always carefully plan their travel.
The World Vapers’ Alliance’s research “Price Comparison of Vaping & Co in Europe” categorises and ranks 13 European countries based on some nicotine product availability and prices.
Research countries were: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, Czechia, Finland, and the United Kingdom.
Key Findings
Closed Systems
According to the pricing list, closed systems users should consider going on vacation in the UK or Czech Republic to keep more cash for other vacation activities.
Those who like filling their vapes with e-liquids manually should go to Spain or France, as those two countries offer the best prices for open system devices.
You probably already know that using your vapes on an airplane is a big no-no, but don’t forget that any vaping device with a built-in battery should always be packed in your carry-on baggage and turned off.
Please note that the information used in this research is acquired online. We strive to improve the quality of the data of this research. Meanwhile, limited access to local information remains a hurdle for our study. We sometimes faced contradictory information and prices listed differently by various websites. We ask the readers of this research to be aware of the underlying data complications.
This research is a living document and we encourage volunteers to send us feedback to fix any complications. Vapers are invited to submit prices in their countries.
We used products based on popularity or/and our preferences, if you think we should add other products let us know!
Contact research authors at mariam@worldvapersalliance.org and lika@worldvapersalliance.org
Ridică vocea:
Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre!
Vapoarea are potențialul de a asigura 200 de milioane de fumători să renunțe pentru totdeauna, dar guvernele trebuie să încurajeze și să faciliteze acest lucru ca metodă de renunțare Acum, mai mult ca niciodată, este vital ca vocile vaporilor să fie auzite.
De aceea, ne lansăm campania pe drumuri, în Europa și în întreaga lume. Trebuie să ne asigurăm că cei care iau deciziile cheie care vor afecta drepturile NOASTRE, sănătatea și viitorul NOSTRU, aud vocea NOASTRĂ colectivă și „Back Vaping”. Bate Fumatul.’