
Portuguese Government Jeopardises Efforts

The Portuguese Government is jeopardising smoking cessation efforts with new legislation that will discourage smokers from switching to vapes, according to the World Vapers’ Alliance. The group believes the move is a retrograde step that shuns evidence-based policy making in favour of pretending banning outdoor vaping will stop smoking.

The Portuguese government is discussing a new draft law regulating tobacco use that will detrimentally damage Portugal’s efforts to curb smoking. The government is currently transcribing the EU delegated act of the Tobacco Products Directive into the national legislation on heated tobacco products, including several provisions on vaping that have not been a part of the original delegated act.

These measures, according to the World Vapers’ Alliance, represent a step backward in the adoption of an open and evidence-based approach to alternative nicotine products and will discourage smokers from switching to this safer alternative pushing many vapers back to smoking.

Draft Law No. 88/XV aims to extend smoke-free areas’ restrictions to the use of vaping products – effectively banning vaping in outdoor spaces such as the terraces of bars and restaurants – and to restrict the sale of vaping products by banning online sales.

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