
Reducerea daunelor în Suedia cu Tobias Andersson Ep.26

Welcome to another episode of the Vaping Unplugged Podcast! In this episode, we have a special guest, Tobias Andersson, joining us to discuss harm reduction in Sweden. Sweden has long been recognized as a champion in tobacco harm reduction, thanks to innovative approaches like vaping and snus products. Sweden’s success in reducing tobacco-related harm serves as an exemplary model for other nations. Join us as we learn from Tobias Andersson and gain a deeper understanding of how Sweden is leading the way in tobacco harm reduction through vaping and snus products. Tobias Andersson, a prominent figure in Sweden, has been a Member of the Riksdag since September 2018. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our discussion on harm reduction – exploring policies, initiatives, and strategies aimed at minimizing the negative consequences of smoking.


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