
Explorând reducerea riscurilor cu Ethan Nadelmann

In this episode, we are joined by Ethan Nadelmann, a harm reduction expect and a drug policy reformer. Ethan Nadelmann dedicated his career to challenging misconceptions and shifting the narrative about drug policy, harm reduction, and public health. Ethan is the founder and a former Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance. In this journey, Ethan has been at the forefront of the movement advocating for the evidence-based approaches that prioritized health. In today’s episode, we explore all things related to harm reduction and how activism can help us change the perception of harm reduction.


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Vapatul poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți. 2022 este anul în care această oportunitate devine realitate. Ridică vocea. Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre. 


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