
Partener în prim plan: Alexandro „Hazard” Lucian, Vapor Aqui

In our Partner Spotlight series, we shine a light on the WVA’s outstanding partners. They all advocate for the rights of vapers in their countries.

This week, we are speaking with Alexandro “Hazard” Lucian, of Vapor Aqui. He tells us all about his incredible quitting story and the reasons behind his organisation joining the World Vapers’ Alliance.

My name is Alexandro “Hazard” Lucian, I’m 40 years old, I’m Brazilian and a journalist.

After more than 15 years of smoking and consuming three packs of cigarettes a day, I finally became an ex-smoker thanks to vaping. I tried to quit smoking in every way: willpower, patches, chewing gum, medicine, even acupuncture, but nothing helped. I had already given up and continued smoking even though I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had serious health problems and that I wouldn’t live a very long life.

Then I discovered vaping and my life was saved. I stopped smoking on May 30, 2015 and never looked back, in an easy, pleasurable and stress-free way. Wanting to share my life story, I specialized in this subject, became a journalist and founded VAPORAQUI.NET the biggest source of information about vaping in Portuguese, helping people to quit smoking and saving lives just as mine was saved.

When I met the World Vapers Alliance I immediately wanted to become a partner as I saw in them the same passion I have for sharing knowledge and helping people to get rid of their addiction to smoking through vaping.

You can follow VaporAqui on Stare de nervozitate and catch their live broadcasts on Twitch.


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Vapatul poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți. 2022 este anul în care această oportunitate devine realitate. Ridică vocea. Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre. 


Vapoarea poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți, iar aromele joacă un rol cheie în a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe. Cu toate acestea, factorii de decizie vor să limiteze sau să interzică aromele, punând în pericol efortul nostru de a pune capăt deceselor cauzate de fumat.

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