Ohms do Vapor se alătură Alianței Mondiale a Vaporatorilor

The World Vapers’ Alliance is delighted to announce its new partnership with Ohms do Vapor, a vaping advocacy group based in Portugal. 

Ohms do Vapor is an informal group of Portuguese vapers, independent from the tobacco or pharmaceutical industry. The group advocates vaping for adult former smokers in a responsible and sustainable way. They help inform consumers and clarify how alternative products like electronic cigarettes can help smokers quit.

Ohms do Vapor commented: “Our slogan is ‘Information wants to be free’ – free from political and financial interests and available to everyone. We believe that this open book approach should be applied to vaping.

Before joining the WVA as a partner organisation, many Ohms do Vapor members graduated from the WVA Academy, launched in spring 2020.

“It is important to highlight the role that the WVA Academy played in our decision, encouraging activism, discussing global vaping issues, and explaining the legislative and political processes that will determine the future of vaping worldwide.

With our skills and the WVA as a partner, we can provide more and better information, hopefully sparking the same spirit of advocacy in our followers and fellow vapers.”

The World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome Ohms do Vapor on board. We are looking forward to defending vaping together!

Find out more about Ohms do Vapor:

Website – https://ohmsdovapor.pt

Facebook – https://facebook.com/ohmsdovapor

Instagram – https://instagram.com/ohmsdovaporz

Youtube – https://youtube.com/ohmsdovapor

Twitter – https://twitter.com/ohmsdovapor

Discord: https://discord.ohmsdovapor.pt/


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