
Let’s Stop the Norwegian Flavour Ban

Norvegia propus to introduce a ban on all vaping flavourings except tobacco, but they ignore the negative consequences of such a ban once again. 

Flavours are commonly used among regular vapers of all age groups şi around two thirds of adult vapers use flavours and they are essential for adult smokers trying to quit, since they can increase the odds of quitting by 230%. Moreover, there is no evidence pointing that vaping flavours incentivize youth vaping or smoking. 

A flavour ban is a public health catastrophe in the making. Cercetare suggests that almost half of the vapers would turn to the black market or back to cigarettes. 

For too long, lawmakers have ignored vapers’ opinions, meaning the most important voices – those of the consumer – and their lived experiences are missing and misunderstood. We now have the opportunity to make ourselves heard and to defend vaping flavours. 

ETHRA provided an easy step-by-step guide on how you can participate. Raise your voice and help us defend vaping flavours. 

You can also add some information or evidence from our own response to the consultation. You can find it Aici.

Let’s make our voices heard!


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Vapatul poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți. 2022 este anul în care această oportunitate devine realitate. Ridică vocea. Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre. 


Vapoarea poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți, iar aromele joacă un rol cheie în a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe. Cu toate acestea, factorii de decizie vor să limiteze sau să interzică aromele, punând în pericol efortul nostru de a pune capăt deceselor cauzate de fumat.

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