
Danish Plan Bound To Fail

The Danish government coalition is developing a package of 30 measures aimed at reducing the country’s alcohol and nicotine use, including raising tax on nicotine products and a flavour ban. However, such measures risk resulting in a reverse outcome with the growth of illicit markets and pushing back consumers to smoking, says the World Vaper’s Alliance.

The Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, Michael Landl explained: “The Danish government is missing a key component here — prohibition doesn’t work. What we need is a risk-based regulation. Nicotine products such as vaping are aimed at minimising the risks associated with combustible cigarettes. Just like seat belts and helmets enhance safety while driving, harm reduction seeks practical solutions over unrealistic ideals.

“Price and variety are crucial determinants of whether smokers will quit. Banning vaping flavours or increasing the price of nicotine products, won’t prevent youth from consuming, but will make it harder for adult smokers to quit. Vaping flavours are associated with a 230% increase in the odds of smoking cessation. The Danish government should create more opportunities for people to stop smoking, not take them away.

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