
Mișcarea ALIVE își unește forțele cu Alianța Mondială a Vaporatorilor!

We’re excited to announce that the ALIVE Movement has become a part of the World Vapers’ Alliance!

Based in Australia, the ALIVE Movement is made up of hundreds of passionate vape advocates. Australia, notorious for its tough stance on vaping, has seen a growing black market due to its prohibitionist policies on safer nicotine products.

The ALIVE Movement understands that the government’s decade-long attempts to ban vaping have failed. They are calling for urgent reforms and pushing for sensible, risk-proportionate regulations.

Their goal? To legalise vaping products for retail sale through licensed vaping specialist stores.

“We’re excited to team up with the ALIVE Movement, a group fighting against some of the toughest nicotine laws in the world. Together, we hope to create the change that’s really needed!” said Liza Katsiashvili, Operations Director for the World Vapers’ Alliance.

We warmly welcome our new partners to the WVA family!

Learn more about the ALIVE Movement here: aliveadvocacymovement.com


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Vapatul poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți. 2022 este anul în care această oportunitate devine realitate. Ridică vocea. Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre. 


Vapoarea poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți, iar aromele joacă un rol cheie în a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe. Cu toate acestea, factorii de decizie vor să limiteze sau să interzică aromele, punând în pericol efortul nostru de a pune capăt deceselor cauzate de fumat.

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