
WVA Holds Art Installation in Brussels to Highlight The Importance of Vape …

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) held an art installation in front of the European Parliament with an important message for policymakers: “Flavours help smokers quit”.

The art installation is the third in a series of events for the WVA’s Europe-wide campaign #FlavoursMatter. Last April, the group held a demonstration taking to the streets with a billboard reading “Flavours Matter,” explaining how vape flavours help smokers quit cigarettes. The billboard was driven to the Parliament buildings in Stockholm and the following week the group displayed an art installation with the message “Flavours Matter – Flavours help smokers quit” also in front of Parliament.

“Last year, Dutch citizens rejected a flavour ban in a public consultation with a resounding 98% of respondents against it. Politicians have chosen to ignore their voices and now they’re at it again, risking the lives of up to 260.000 Dutch people, who could be pushed back to smoking in the absence of flavours,” said WVA’s Director, Michael Landl on the occasion.

The group hosted similar demonstrations in the Hague, Netherlands, in March 2022, on the morning when members of the Health Committee met to discuss a Government’s proposal to ban vape flavours.


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