Posłowie do PE wzywają UE do przyjęcia szwedzkiego modelu redukcji szkód

On World No Tobacco Day, Members of the European Parliament expressed their concern with the EU’s approach towards smoking cessation and emphasised the need for a sensible, risk-based approach, following the Swedish smoke-free policies. MEPs Charlie Weimers and Johan Nissinen called for a more open approach towards harm reduction in the EU at the press conference in Brussels, hosted by the World Vapers’ Alliance.

“The Swedish case presents the third and final determining pillar in the pro-harm reduction argument. The science, the experience of the consumers, and now the Swedish example are prove that harm reduction works in achieving a smoke-free society. Now we have an undeniable case that the EU-wide regulation must be risk-based and evidence-supported,” said Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance.

“Policy should be evidence based. WHO will soon classify Sweden as Europe’s first smoke-free country because of harm reduction policies and widespread use of snus. Sweden has a wide range of harm reduction products: we have snus, nicotine pouches, vaping, etc. People are given a choice!” commented MEP Charlie Weimers. “Sweden is reducing harm and it’s working very well,” concluded MEP Weimers.


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