
Koniec gry dla saszetek nikotynowych w Holandii

In a move that many would consider unexpected coming from a generally considered progressive nation, the Dutch government has just announced that it would ban the sale of nicotine pouches across the Netherlands.

While other European countries are endorsing the use of nicotine pouches as smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction tools, the Netherlands has just announced it will ban the sales of the products. Moreover, it will extend existing tobacco laws to include alternative nicotine products in general, so that they will not be allowed for use in spaces where smoking is prohibited.

Advertising for combustion-free nicotine products will also be banned, a move which the government sees as instrumental to stop tobacco companies from promoting new nicotine products in order to addict a new generation of people. Sadly local authorities seem set in their belief that alternative nicotine products are being pushed on the market by the tobacco industry, and fail to acknowledge the alternative nicotine industry which manufactures the products with smoking cessation in mind.

This sentiment was recently echoed by pulmonologist and anti-smoking activist Wanda de Kanter, who said that the tobacco industry is always seeking to introduce novel products such as vapes to stay afloat.


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