
French Health Minister Announces Plan To Ban Nicotine Pouches

French Health Minister Geneviève Darrieussecq has announced plans to ban nicotine pouches, citing concerns about underage use.

In a recent interview with French newspaper La Parisien, Geneviève Darrieussecq said that a ban on the alternative nicotine products will be announced in the coming weeks.

When discussing the potential ban the Health Minister said:

“They are dangerous products because they contain high doses of nicotine.

“The marketing of these products is directly targeted at young people, and I hope that we can protect our young people.”

In June, twelve European Union health ministers, including France’s, pressured the European Commission to restrict nicotine products and also ban flavoured vapes.

Leading vape advocacy group, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has criticised the announcement, calling the proposed ban “counterproductive to public health”.

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