
France Has Decided to Ban Nicotine Pouches Despite Their Known Effectivity …

The tobacco harm reduction situation in France has moved from shock to horror, as the local government has announced a ban on nicotine pouches (NPs), the same products which in other countries, such as Sweden, have contributed to record-low smoking rates.

France has ogłoszony its intention to ban nicotine pouches, citing concerns over their appeal and potential risks to young people. Health Minister Genevieve Darrieussecq stated in an interview with Paryżanin that the products contain “high doses of nicotine” and are marketed in ways that attract youth. She described the pouches as “dangerous,” especially when used by non-smokers, arguing that they may foster nicotine addiction and serve as a potential entry into smoking. The official announcement of the ban is expected within weeks.

Meanwhile, NP manufacturers have marketed these products as safer alternatives to cigarettes, aiming to help smokers quit, and tobacco harm reduction experts tend to agree. The products are the smoking cessation tool of choice of many former smokers due to their non-toxic profile, discreet nature- allowing their use virtually everywhere and of course their effectivity at curbing nicotine cravings. In fact, studies indicate that these pouches can effectively help reduce smoking rates by providing a consumer-friendly option for those seeking to quit. However, Darrieussecq contends that these products can be harmful, particularly for young users.

World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) director Michael Landl, criticized the ban emphasizing that it eliminates a valuable tool for smokers looking to quit. Landl pointed out that nicotine pouches offer a significantly safer, effective alternative to cigarettes, which has been beneficial in other countries as a transition aid for smokers. Instead of restricting options, he argued, France’s decision could inadvertently lead people back to smoking or drive them to the black market for nicotine products.

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