Excessive Regulation in Hungary

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), “a leading global vaping consumer advocacy group”, has expressed its deep reservations over the Hungarian Government’s draft Decree which aims to amend the current regulation of nicotine pouches and vaping. The proposed regulations, if enacted, would introduce restrictions that may hinder access to safer alternatives for smokers and harm reduction options.

Commenting on the Hungarian proposals, Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, said: “While it’s important to ensure the safety and proper labelling of nicotine products, it’s equally crucial to avoid excessive regulation that could impede the availability of harm reduction products for smokers looking to transition away from combustible cigarettes.”

The proposed draft Decree amendments contain a stipulation for the maximum nicotine content to be limited to 17 mg per consumption unit. This, the WVA says, reflects an approach that “may inadvertently limit the appeal of nicotine pouches to smokers seeking alternatives.”

Moreover,” the organisation adds, “the WVA expresses concerns about the potential implications of the draft Decree’s proposed modifications to vaping product regulations. The amendments, which target unit packet definitions, nicotine amounts, and labelling requirements, could impose unwarranted restrictions on vaping products.

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