Plan Europy na rzecz pokonania raka: Miłośnicy waporyzacji, podnieście głos już teraz!

One of the promises of the European Commission  is to develop a plan to combat cancer, called Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The formal process started on 4 February 2020 with a launch in the European Parliament along with two public consultations.

Following the initial public consultation on the ‘Roadmap to the Cancer Plan’ (submissions closed two months ago), the deadline for the second public consultation on Europe’s Beating Cancer plan is approaching and as vapers we need to act now.

It is up to us to take the lead and make the European Commission understand that vaping can help prevent cancer. The Plan will be key to policies formed across the EU in the next few years and none of them should disregard this.


The European Commission will use the consultation to develop the policies that will make up the Beating Cancer Plan. The Commission has repeatedly said that the majority of lung cancer is caused by smoking but there is a real danger that they do not consider the science that exists on vaping or the very real experiences we understand as vapers and fail to highlight vaping as an alternative to smoking.

If they are serious about saving lives and reducing healthcare costs of smoking, the European Commission must look closely at vaping and the positive impact it has on people’s lives.

  • Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is crucial because the EU is preparing to review the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD2) which regulates e-cigarettes and if stronger measures are put in place other regulators outside the EU will take the same approach.

  • The approach that the European Commission will take in the Cancer plan will likely feed into the further decisions, such as COP9 in 2021..

  • Many of our fellow vapers across Europe responded to the first public consultation on the Roadmap to Europe’s Beating Cancer plan which ended on 3 March and shared their personal experiences. Read what they say Tutaj. We need to re-emphasise and amplify these stories in the second public consultation.



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Wapowanie może uratować 200 milionów istnień. 2022 to rok, w którym ta szansa stanie się rzeczywistością. Podnieś swój głos. Dołącz do naszej kampanii. 

Dołącz do nas

E-papierosy mogą uratować 200 milionów ludzi, a aromaty odgrywają kluczową rolę w rzuceniu palenia. Jednak decydenci chcą ograniczyć aromaty, albo nawet całkowicie je zakazać, sprawiając, że nasze wysiłki na rzecz polożenia kresu zgonom związanych z paleniem mogą pójść na marne.

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