Ending the war on nicotine: A Pragmatic Step Towards a Tobacco-Free Banglad …

Barek Kaiser : Smoking is one of the leading causes of illness and death in the world. More than eight million people die each year due to smoking with almost 99% of tobacco related deaths caused by smoking- not from other forms of nicotine consumption. Bangladesh, like many nations, has also been fiercely battling against the tobacco epidemic for decades. It is home to an estimated 6.2 million adult smokers. The government’s vision of achieving a tobacco-free Bangladesh is laudable, and it’s time to reassess our approach to harm reduction. For too long, the war on tobacco has mistakenly targeted nicotine as the primary antagonist, while overlooking crucial distinctions.

Nicotine is a natural ingredient found in several vegetables & plants, mainly tobacco. Contrary to popular belief, nicotine itself while addictive, does not cause diseases. The primary health risks associated with smokingstem from the combustion of tobacco. There are more than 7,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Of these, at least 250 are known to be harmful to health, such as hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide & ammonia. Some are natural components of the tobacco plant itself, but most harmful substances are only formed when cigarettes are burned.

A recent paper authored by Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance & Maria Chaplia, Research Manager, Consumer Choice Center, titled ‘Six Reasons to Stop the War on Nicotine’ outlines 6 reasons why nicotine is not the enemy& it’s time to end the war on it.

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