
US Smoking Rates Are The Lowest They Have Ever Been- All Thanks to Vapes

A recent Gallup poll revealed that cigarette smoking in the U.S. has dropped to a historic low of 11%, with only 6% of people under 30 reporting that they smoke. This significant decline is largely attributed to the rise of vaping, which has played a crucial role in reducing smoking rates, especially among younger generations.
The Connecticut State Department of Health recently released findings from the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey(YRBS), highlighting both historic lows and slight increases in tobacco and vapour product use among high school students. In 2023, 3% of Connecticut high school students reported smoking cigarettes within the past 30 days, marking a significant rise from 1.3% in 2021. However, this still represents an 18.9% decrease from 2019, and a dramatic decline of 91.5% from 1997, when 35.2% of students smoked.

Similar trends were observed in the use of other traditional tobacco products. Cigar use among high schoolers rose to 4.1% in 2023, showing a 485% increase from 2021 but only a modest rise since 2019. Smokeless tobacco use also increased by 76.9% between 2021 and 2023, yet overall usage has decreased by 11.5% since 2019.

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